From: Formula for Success - Where Science Meets Spirit
From: Formula for Success - Where Science Meets Spirit
Posted at 04:28 PM in Abundance, Awakening, Changes, Coaching, Courses, Education, Empowerment, Good News, Happiness, Healing, Inspiration, Mentors, Physics, Resources, Spirituality, Success, Tools, Transformation, Visionaries, Wealth, Wisdom, Workshops | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Brent Phillips was a successful MIT-trained engineer who experienced a miracle change when his arm (immobile and frozen at the elbow after a surgery) healed in an instant after a single session of the holistic technique Theta Healing!
He was so transformed by this experience that he gave up his career in technology and dedicated all of his science and engineering talent and experience to master instant healing and personal holistic transformation. Today, he shares the magic and miracles of Theta HealingTM with his students and clients around the world.
Full Information About Brent Phillips, Theta Healing, and Available Programs at:
What is Theta HealingTM?
Theta HealingTM is a holistic healing technique which directly addresses your subconscious mind to fix the "bugs in your software", allowing miraculous instant healings and profound transformations. Whether you seek to transform your health, your finances, your relationships or your spirituality, Theta is a surprisingly fast and easy way to make permanent, lasting, and effective changes in your life.
Posted at 04:11 PM in Books, Changes, Coaching, Courses, Education, Empowerment, Good News, Healing, Inspiration, Mentors, Resources, Secrets, Thinking, Visionaries, Wealth, Wisdom, Workshops | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Jeffrey Stauch is no slouch when it comes to asking people for money—and he shares how he gets it done in his new title, "Effective Frontline Fundraising," recently published by Apress.
Stauch got his start by canvassing for political groups on the streets of Boston and quickly progressed to his current position as a prime fundraiser for a prestigious New England College. “Asking for $5—and getting it—takes about as much skill and guts as asking for $1 million,” said Stauch. “The principles are the same. And anyone can learn them.”
Continue reading "NON-PROFITS: Effective Frontline Fundraising " »
Posted at 02:08 AM in Books, Community, Empowerment, Good News, Resources, Success, Tips, Tools, Wealth | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 08:34 PM in Books, Free Stuff, Publishing, Resources, Tools, Writing | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Mixbook is the easy and fun way to make completely customizable photo books, cards, and calendars on the web – for free. With Mixbook, you aren’t limited to static pre-designed templates – our powerful design software gives you the freedom to lay out and design your creations to your heart’s content. We’ve dedicated ourselves to bringing you the best experience in creating photo products so that you can make keepsakes that truly reflect your vision. With Mixbook, you can truly Make It Yours™.
Full Information at the MixBook site:
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Posted at 02:07 AM in Art, Books, Creativity, Education, Free Stuff, Fun, Inspiration, Kids, Postcards, Projects, Publishing, Recommended, Resources, Storytelling, Tools, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Journal Assignment: Think about what home means to you. Jot down notes in your journal as to what an "ideal" home would feel like, what qualities would it express, how would you feel when you are living in your dream space. Now, think about the least amount of space you could actually live in, and learn about the new Small House Movement, which is gathering steam to help people build more efficient and affordable dwellings. Write Now! GO!
Start by Ordering and Reading The Small House Book:
• How to build a small home for just 20 grand!
• 196 full-color pages. • You’ll discover why you really don’t need to own land to call one of these small houses home. Jay’s portable homes can be put nearly anywhere. These structures have been placed in backyards, RV parks, rural settings, and even in a National Park. Imagine the freedom of being able to pick up and move as you wish. Tired of your neighbors? Don’t like your view? Just pick and move.
Continue reading "Need a Home? Join the "Small House" Movement!" »
Posted at 02:24 PM in Books, Consider, Habitat, Links, Recommended, Resources | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Campus
Assignment: Think about what you would like to learn if you could study at MIT. Let your imagination loose! Pretend you are going back to school. Explore what is available from the MIT online catalogue, and create a curriculum for yourself, or start with just one course that you feel passionate about. Write Now! GO!
From: Smart Planet:
The disruption of higher education just got very interesting. It appears that the disruptors — private, online universities — are being disrupted at their own game. One of the pantheons of traditional on-site learning, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has announced it will be launching online courses that will be free and open to the world. And, in the process, plans to offer certificates to students successfully completing the coursework.
Posted at 11:24 AM in Courses, Education, Free Stuff, Good News, Horizons, Links, Mentors, News, Recommended, Resources, Tools, Workshops, Write Now! | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Full Biography and other information about Po's books and articles at:
Find a few good role models. You only need a few, maybe only one. Let them inspire you. Art reacts to art. All good books are a work of art that is a creative reaction to other art.
Always tell a story. It grounds the reader in a shared experience.
Understand voice. Write the same sentence ten different ways by imitating the writing voices of ten different writers.
Practice plots. Understand different ways to tell the same story – the difference between hiding a surprise and foreshadowing it, for instance. Starting a story in the middle versus its natural beginning, et cetera. Learn what creates suspense, forward lean, keeps the pages turning.
Journalism first or fiction first? (Grad school in Journalism or Grad school in Creative Writing?) There is no way to answer this. This is an artificial question. It reveals a thirst, a hope, that the journey can be shortened, that there is a shortcut. It can’t. Journalism (facts) or fiction (style)? Both. Both. Both. In no particular order.
Don’t be a snob. It’s good for people to read, so whatever they read, no matter what it is, be glad they're reading.
No matter what your style or genre or form, even if it's journalism, read John Gardner's "The Art of Fiction" very carefully and try some of the exercises. Realize that once you command these skills, you can break every rule he teaches, but these are the basic skills.
Work on your weaknesses. Find out what you’re hiding from.
Stop looking for shortcuts.
Posted at 02:02 AM in Art, Books, Catalysts, Creativity, Links, Mentors, Motivation, Publishing, Recommended, Resources, Tips, Writers on Writing | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
From Martha Beck:
My new book was released December 27, 2011, giving you something to read during Mayan end of days. How convenient! Actually, I don’t think we’re all going to be riding out on chariots of fire. But I do think many people are finding the world an increasing baffling and sometimes frightening place. I also think that ancient human traditions often offer solutions to this sort of turbulence. In Finding Your Way in a Wild New World, I teach you how to become a “wayfinder,” able to surf the ever-changing tides of your life rather than feeling swept away by the tsunami of change we’re all experiencing.
“Martha Beck is the wisest, most generous and gifted of spiritual leaders. Her book will show you how to gently unlock your potential for deep transformation, so that you can explore uncharted territory and come home to your true, purposeful, and unafraid self. Thank you, Dr. Beck.”
–Harriet Lerner, Ph.D., author of The Dance of Anger and Marriage Rules.
Posted at 07:15 AM in 2012, Books, Inspiration, Links, Mentors, Motivation, Recommended, Resources, Tips, Tools, Transformation, Wisdom | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Journal Assignment: Commit at least one act of random kindness and beauty today, and take notes on what you did, what reaction you got, and how you felt. GO!
Derreck, Patricia and Bruno are the tip of the iceberg among people across the world engaging in goodness, love and compassion. Their stories invite each of us to consider how we participate in making good news every day.
In becoming part of the good news of the human story, you remind us all that we are made for oneness as a human family. You become a birth-giver of hope. God smiles on you with every piece of good news that you contribute to.
We are each made for goodness, love and compassion. Our lives are transformed as much as the world is when we live with these truths. Congratulations to Arianna Huffington and The Huffington Post for offering a new way to celebrate these truths with the launch of Good News! The world needs your acts and compassionate loving goodness.
In the darkest days of the struggle to end apartheid, it was possible for some to succumb to the endless bad news of violence and torture systematically directed against people because of the color of their skin or those who had a vision of our oneness as people. But we were always upheld and strengthened by the good news of those whose actions reminded us that we are each God's partners in a love and justice that includes all.
The God who existed before any religion counts on you to make the oneness of the human family known and celebrated. You do this as you respond to the invitation found in the news of the day to make a difference. Your ordinary acts of love and hope point to the extraordinary promise that every human life is of inestimable value.
Posted at 10:51 PM in Experiment!, Good News, Healing, Resources, Write Now! | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Great advice from Jim Estill at Copyblogger:
I don’t really want to spend more than 20 minutes a day on writing articles. And I spent no more than 20 minutes to write this article.
I realize this is writing blasphemy. Content is king, and all of that. But when I have a daily schedule to post on and a business to run, I don’t have time to spend hours polishing every single blog post or writing 2,000-word articles.
Writing quickly doesn’t mean compromising on writing well, though. I’ve got seven tips to get you in and out of that composition box in twenty minutes – without sacrificing quality.
Posted at 09:19 PM in Blogging, Blogs, Resources, Tips | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Long before the printed word captured our brains and locked us down into the alphabet (see The Alphabet and the Goddess) we had songs. For much of our history as a species, we have sung our prayers, psalms, sagas, stories and epic poems. Songs are in our genes, and today songs are exploding worldwide, from garage bands in small African villages to basement bands in Seattle. Songs can provide a heart to heart connection between people that mere text can never do, engaging the emotional power of music coupled with poetry.
Just think...the right songs can change the world in wondrous ways. Remember "We Are The World"? How about John Lennon's "Imagine"? What about "We Shall Overcome"?
If you have ever wanted to write songs, your journal is a perfect place to start. If you are not a musician, find a friend who is, and collaborate.
Posted at 02:59 AM in Links, Mentors, Music, Resources, Workshops | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Does one person really matter? Can one person change the world?
Are YOU ready to step up and make a difference? Watch this wonderful short film, and take notes in your journal today about how, when, and where you might "step up." It is time, and we are the ones. If not us, who? Get ready to be inspired! And then start something.
This is an amazing little film.
It might change your life.
Taken from the new book, Stepping Up, by John Izzo:
Continue reading "Can One Person Change the World? Are YOU Ready to Step Up?" »
Posted at 08:23 PM in Books, Inspiration, Links, Mentors, Motivation, Recommended, Resources, Video | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 04:56 AM in Mentors, Mythology, Resources, Storytelling, Video | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Alex Noble: If part of your life is breaking down, you can be sure that other parts of your life are breaking through. Nothing dies, but that something is being born. There is no crisis without an equivalent opportunity. The genius that resides in each of us has the wisdom, strength and capacity to turn sorrow into joy, and find a way out of even the most devastating disasters. At times when we are overwhelmed with the magnitude of our problems, it is helpful to have a loving Guardian Angel Guide to shine light on our path, and even take our hand to lead us forward into peace and salvation. I can think of no better guide for this journey from despair to hope and a new life than Daphne Rose Kingma. Daphne's latest book, The Ten Things to Do When Your Life Falls Apart, is full of loving counsel and practical tools: Things you can DO to work through the chaos you are facing. Using this book in conjunction with your journal practice can produce astonishing results.
Certainly, there is nothing like a life-crisis to send us into our journals, and if it feels as though your own life is falling apart, use Daphne's book as a resource for unlocking your feelings and emotions and charting your journey into stability, sanity and light.
Be sure to watch the videos linked at the end of the information, below, about this book.
Continue reading "BOOKS: The Ten Things to Do When Your Life Falls Apart" »
Posted at 05:36 PM in Alex Noble, Books, Inspiration, Links, Mentors, Motivation, Recommended, Resources, Transformation | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Join Larry Brody as he takes you through the steps of good storytelling, showing how to:
Whether you call it New Media, 4th Generation Media, Peer Production, Webcasting, Slivercasting, or any one of dozens of terms that have come barrelling into use in recent months, markets and formats based on New Technology are here to stay. And growing bigger everyday.
The purpose of TV Writer.Com's New Media Workshop is to teach those who already are on the cutting edge of the technology how to be on the cutting edge of creativity as well
Posted at 08:18 AM in Links, Mentors, MultiMedia, New Media, Publishing, Recommended, Resources, Storytelling, Web/Tech, Workshops, Writing | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
By: Brian Satterfield
(Note that these principles apply to all storytelling, not exclusively to non-profits. However, as many of us are involved with non-profit groups, this is priceless information for making the organization come to life through good storytelling. You can use these tips to draft a story for your favorite non-profit in your journal.)
As a nonprofit, one of the ways you raise funds and attract attention to your cause is through the art of storytelling. Whether you recount the history of your organization to a donor, the life of someone you've helped in a grant proposal, or the challenges you face in a letter to supporters, storytelling is an everyday aspect of nonprofit life.
A well-told story can bring an invaluable sense of immediacy to your cause, especially important when you have just minutes (or even seconds) to capture the attention of your audience. Yet whereas nonprofits' storytelling arsenal was once largely limited to the traditional mechanisms of writing or speaking, new, affordable multimedia tools are making it possible to tell your story digitally, combining the power of images, narration, music, and text to engage and inspire others to action.
Continue reading "Digital Storytelling for Non-Profits: 8 Tips (Tech Soup)" »
Posted at 07:52 PM in Resources, Storytelling, Tips, Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)