From: Formula for Success - Where Science Meets Spirit
From: Formula for Success - Where Science Meets Spirit
Posted at 04:28 PM in Abundance, Awakening, Changes, Coaching, Courses, Education, Empowerment, Good News, Happiness, Healing, Inspiration, Mentors, Physics, Resources, Spirituality, Success, Tools, Transformation, Visionaries, Wealth, Wisdom, Workshops | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Brent Phillips was a successful MIT-trained engineer who experienced a miracle change when his arm (immobile and frozen at the elbow after a surgery) healed in an instant after a single session of the holistic technique Theta Healing!
He was so transformed by this experience that he gave up his career in technology and dedicated all of his science and engineering talent and experience to master instant healing and personal holistic transformation. Today, he shares the magic and miracles of Theta HealingTM with his students and clients around the world.
Full Information About Brent Phillips, Theta Healing, and Available Programs at:
What is Theta HealingTM?
Theta HealingTM is a holistic healing technique which directly addresses your subconscious mind to fix the "bugs in your software", allowing miraculous instant healings and profound transformations. Whether you seek to transform your health, your finances, your relationships or your spirituality, Theta is a surprisingly fast and easy way to make permanent, lasting, and effective changes in your life.
Posted at 04:11 PM in Books, Changes, Coaching, Courses, Education, Empowerment, Good News, Healing, Inspiration, Mentors, Resources, Secrets, Thinking, Visionaries, Wealth, Wisdom, Workshops | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Duane Elgin
The next five to ten years represent an unprecedented break in the human journey. We are between stories, or the guiding narratives, that serve as beacons for our collective future. For example, the “American Dream” that pulled the U.S. forward for at least three generations is fast becoming the world’s nightmare as the excesses of consumerism produce climate disruption, the depletion of cheap oil, growing income disparities, and more. Instead of a different “dream,” people want wide-awake visions of real possibilities told in ways that are believable and compelling.
We face big challenges and it will take an equally big vision to transform conflict into cooperation and draw us into a promising future. The most difficult challenge facing humanity is not devising solutions to the energy crisis or climate crisis or population crisis; rather, it is bringing images and stories of the human journey into our collective awareness that empower us to look beyond a future of great adversity and to see a future of great opportunity. Stories of great transition offer alternative big-picture perspectives that place our time of transition in a larger context and illuminate a promising future. These narratives are of universal concern, simple and relatively easy to understand, emotionally powerful, and able to call forth our higher potentials; and all involve a time of profound initiation and deep transformation.
Posted at 11:44 AM in 2012, Awakening, Community, Futures, Good News, Happiness, Healing, Hero's Journey, Horizons, Inspiration, Links, Mentors, Mythology, New Media, New Paradigm, News, Planet, Purpose, Stories, Storytelling, Transformation, Visionaries, Wisdom | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Excellent audio files from some of our leading scholars on great myths and stories. Hear James Hillman, Ram Dass, Thomas Moore, Coleman Barks and many others...
About the Featured Audio, The Indigenous People's Message to the World:
About this program: BetterListen! was called in to document on audio, the lectures and cultural music presentations at The First World Conference of Indigenous Peoples in 1992. The result is this award winning program produced by David Ison, endorsed by The United Nations, Starred Review in Publisher's Weekly and now available for the first time in digital format.
"This is our chance to listen to a message from people closely connected to the Earth. The industrial world has put their very existence at stake. Stop and listen to their world!" - Mickey Hart (Author of Drumming at the Edge of Magic and Planet Drum, drummer with the Grateful Dead.)
"This authentic product is a "Who's who of ritual tribal music and ceremony" - Publishers Weekly.
Posted at 12:25 PM in 2012, Awakening, Healing, Indigenous People, Inspiration, Music, Mythology, Philosophy, Planet, Sacred, Spirituality, Stories, Storytelling, Wisdom | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Assignment: Before reading this essay, think about who you need to forgive, take notes, and decide to forgive them. Write Now! GO!
By Sandra Musser
The healing power of forgiveness is the key to peace, health and happiness.
So what makes forgiveness so powerful? True forgiveness releases a feeling or emotion we consider negative from our psychic through understanding. Many understand the concept of forgiveness, but don’t incorporate true forgiveness into their lives. They say the words, "I forgive you." But are quick to remind the other person of the atrocity they committed when convenient. This is not forgiveness. True forgiveness has no conditions and is complete.
"...see forgiveness as the natural reaction to distress that rests on error, and thus "calls for help." Forgiveness is the only sane response...Unjustified forgiveness is attack. And this is all the world can ever given. It pardons "sinners" sometimes, but remains aware that they have sinned. And so they do not merit the forgiveness that it gives. This is the false forgiveness which the world employs to keep the sense of sin alive...If you can see your brother merits pardon, you have learned forgiveness is your right as much as his...Forgiveness recognized as merited will heal." A Course in Miracles
Continue reading "How the Power of Forgiveness Can Heal Your Life" »
Posted at 08:50 PM in Empowerment, Happiness, Healing, Inspiration, Spirituality, Write Now! | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Read more:
Posted at 07:49 PM in Empowerment, Fun, Goals, Good News, Happiness, Healing, Inspiration, Joy, Mentors, Motivation, Wisdom | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Assignment: Think about a compulsive behavior you would like to get rid of, and note this in your journal. What do you think you can do to start getting rid of this habit? Write Now! GO!
Why not just stop it?
Watch Comedian Bob Newhart in this classic video, below...
Posted at 07:34 PM in Happiness, Healing, Humor, Inspiration, Mentors, Tips, Video, Wisdom, Write Now! | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
From Yahoo Answers:
Before I answer the question directly, I have to comment that some of the same basic spiritual issues that we face today have been faced by seekers many thousands of years ago. So, in a way, our sense that we are at the crest of modernism and breaking new ground for the continuing enlightenment is only partially true. In many ways we may also be so advanced in some areas (such as our scientific and technical understanding of the world around us), that we have become morons on the spiritual plane. A good example of this is that western thinking barely acknowledges the reality of reincarnation. And all of those spiritual influences from the past (and perhaps the future) are at the core of who we are. This mindset (not shared by billons of non-Christian people around the world) thus shuts a major portal to self-knowledge.
So there were cultures and subcultures and people throughout history who really understood some fundamentals much better than we do even in our post-modern existence (and granted they may also have been clueless in other areas). And I have my own personal spin on the Percival legend that I haven't heard from other sources.
Continue reading "Why the Arthurian Legend of the Fisher King is Important Now..." »
Posted at 06:31 PM in Dreams, Empowerment, Folktales, Healing, Hero's Journey, Horizons, Inspiration, Mythology, Purpose, Sacred, Stories, Storytelling, Wisdom | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Aboriginal Story Telling
Assignment: If you had 15 minutes to write down the 7 most important events of your life, what would they be? Then, choose one and write a short short story about what happened, and how this affected you. When did this happen? Who was involved? How old were you? Where did this take place? How long did this experience last? What blessings came from it? If it was a difficult experience, have you forgiven those involved? Write Now! GO!
Posted at 03:08 PM in Assignment, Empowerment, Healing, Inspiration, Links, Memoir, Stories, Storytelling, Tools, Write Now!, Writing | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
In Women Who Run With the Wolves, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, a Jungian analyst and storyteller, retells a story about a handless maiden. It's a story that seems to me a kind of ideal story for a month in which I'm writing about ways in which a person can sometimes get stuck--hit obstacles--get bewildered. The story is one that I've found beneficial at crucial junctures in my own life, and it’s a story I have at times told in turn to patients or students when it seems that the labor that began so well—the first giddy success of creativity and vitality—has come to a grinding halt.
The story begins when a maiden loses her hands. She really does lose them—her entire hands. They’re cut off. It’s a moment of initiation. A loss of innocence. Her first serious loss. She has these stumps where she used to have hands, and she wanders, grieving, for many years.
Continue reading "The Handless Maiden: A Story for Difficult Times" »
Posted at 01:17 PM in Awakening, Blogs, Books, Divine Feminine, Empowerment, Folktales, Healing, Mentors, Sacred, Stories, Transformation, Wisdom | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Writing Assignment: Reflect on your sense of abundance, and your relationship with money. What opportunities may exist to upgrade this relationship in the midst of the current global financial crisis? Are you finding that there are things you can do without, while at the same time improving your quality of life? Are you finding that you are placing less importance in material wealth, and spending more time cultivating spiritual and creative resources? Is it possible that as there is less money to work with, you will discover more of what matters most in your life? Are you finding new ways to experience abundance, and share this with others? Write Now! GO!
Can we use the opportunity of the economic crisis to heal our relationship with money and re-discover true wealth?
Posted at 05:19 PM in Healing, Movies, Reflection, Transformation, Video, Wealth, Wisdom, Write Now! | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Discover Post Secret: The Blog, The Books, The Community!
Journal Assignment: Think of a secret that you have never told anyone, and write a poem, postcard or short journal entry about it. Alternatively, send it in as an anonymous artwork to Post Secret. Write Now! GO!
A Note to the Founder of Post Secret
Dear Frank,
Just a note to let you know how much the Postsecret App has changed my life. November 4, 2011 I attempted to end my life. I've since spent a lot of time in psychiatric treatment as my world came crashing down around me. My psychiatrist encouraged me to journal because it would be "healing". I've tried and I've tried but every time I put pen to paper nothing comes out.
But I post secrets.
Dozens and dozens of secrets. Some are funny, some are shocking, some are vulnerable, and some even surprise myself. But they are mine to release anonymously and I shared them with the App. And the replies? Oh the replies! Complete anonymous strangers come together in humor and in sadness and you find that you aren't alone.
Through posting these secrets and sharing others, I've started to discover myself again. It's still going to be a long road to recovery, but there is hope. Last night when I logged on to read the Sunday secrets I smiled through the tears. I was happy I was part of the fleeting project of the PostSecret App. It was the shining star in the dark night of my depression. Thank you Frank for bringing people together. I will continue to log in every Sunday and read the secrets. Happy new year.
What is Post Secret?
Posted at 09:15 AM in Fun, Healing, Inspiration, Postcards | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Last week we published here the Human Effectiveness Institute’s “highly incomplete checklist” of things to do each day in 2012 to define and meet your goals for the year. One could write a book on each item in that list. For starters, here’s a drill-down on one item in the list that in a way underpins all the other items on the list.
Item III.1 on the list describes why you should be enjoying the moment and provides ways to get yourself into that headspace. Ironically, this is the most difficult game on Earth.
In some version of this universe, it is natural to be in that state all the time, i.e. happy doing whatever you are doing at the moment, or not doing anything but just being there. Why not be happy? If it’s what you’re doing that is blocking happiness, do something else. Why were you doing it in the first place if it didn’t make you happy?
The ego is what gets in the way. The ego is the be-all and end-all of unhappiness. You can choose happiness or at least neutrality in any moment no matter what is being inflicted upon you against your will, to pick an extreme case. If you’re being waterboarded, okay, neutrality is probably the best you can hope for. But such an extreme case illustrates that by an act of will and focus we can indeed choose our mental emotional state. All of us can. There have been times when we’ve all had an opportunity to prove that to ourselves. Nonetheless, it’s the most difficult game on Earth.
Continue reading "The Most Difficult Game on Earth - Bill Harvey" »
Posted at 01:41 PM in Blogs, Happiness, Healing, Inspiration, Mentors, Motivation, Recommended, Tips | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 03:10 PM in Assignment, Healing, Inspiration | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I once read an article about doctors who incorporated "talk therapy" to treat patients suffering with depression. Instead of medicating the problem, the doctors instructed the patients to start making positive declarations over their lives, saying such things as: "I have a bright future. People like to be around me. Good things are in store."
Continue reading "Change Your Words, Change Your World, Shape Your Future" »
Posted at 08:47 PM in Assignment, Healing, Inspiration, Mentors, Tips, Video, Write Now! | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Claude Monet - Les Glacons - The Ice Floes
Dark and cold we may be, but this
Is no winter now. The frozen misery
Of centuries breaks, cracks, begins to move;
The thunder is the thunder of the floes,
The thaw, the flood, the upstart Spring.
Thank God our time is now when wrong
Comes up to face us everywhere,
Never to leave us till we take
The longest stride of soul we ever took.
Affairs are now soul size.
The enterprise
Is exploration into God.
Where are you making for? It takes
So many thousand years to wake,
But will you wake for pity's sake!
Christopher Fry
From "A Sleep of Prisoners"
Alex Noble: If ever there was a year to "wake up," this is it. Though we may feel we have insurmountable challenges, though we may look all around us and see nothing but a vast wasteland, though suddenly we may feel alone in a way we have never quite felt alone before, though dreams we had cherished for years may have fallen through or vanished like phantoms, though friends may betray and enemies slander, though we may feel as though we have lost everything and and have to start all over again...
Continue reading "Waking Up: The Enterprise... Is Exploration Into God" »
Posted at 07:38 PM in 2012, Art, Awakening, Healing, Inspiration, Motivation, Poetry, Write Now! | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Journal Assignment: Commit at least one act of random kindness and beauty today, and take notes on what you did, what reaction you got, and how you felt. GO!
Derreck, Patricia and Bruno are the tip of the iceberg among people across the world engaging in goodness, love and compassion. Their stories invite each of us to consider how we participate in making good news every day.
In becoming part of the good news of the human story, you remind us all that we are made for oneness as a human family. You become a birth-giver of hope. God smiles on you with every piece of good news that you contribute to.
We are each made for goodness, love and compassion. Our lives are transformed as much as the world is when we live with these truths. Congratulations to Arianna Huffington and The Huffington Post for offering a new way to celebrate these truths with the launch of Good News! The world needs your acts and compassionate loving goodness.
In the darkest days of the struggle to end apartheid, it was possible for some to succumb to the endless bad news of violence and torture systematically directed against people because of the color of their skin or those who had a vision of our oneness as people. But we were always upheld and strengthened by the good news of those whose actions reminded us that we are each God's partners in a love and justice that includes all.
The God who existed before any religion counts on you to make the oneness of the human family known and celebrated. You do this as you respond to the invitation found in the news of the day to make a difference. Your ordinary acts of love and hope point to the extraordinary promise that every human life is of inestimable value.
Posted at 10:51 PM in Experiment!, Good News, Healing, Resources, Write Now! | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Martha Beck
For more wisdom, visit Martha Beck's website:
Assignment for Journaling: Read Martha Beck's tips for disconnecting, below, and then create your own list of ways you can create peace and healing space for yourself. GO!
My thesis: The great English writer E.M. Forster may have valued connection above all else, but for us 21st-century folks—with our jam-packed contact lists, e-mail from intimates and strangers, texts and phone messages left by friends, colleagues, passing acquaintances, and the occasional deranged stalker—disconnection is as necessary as connection for creating a healthy, happy life. When we force ourselves to connect against our heart’s desires, we create false, resentful relationships; when we disconnect from the people who deplete us, we set them free to find their tribes while we find ours. I planned to illustrate these thoughts with snippets of Greek philosophy, and perhaps even the poetry of Robert Frost.
But it has just occurred to me that this refined approach is not how I actually disconnect—and I need to disconnect a lot. Overconnection is my major occupational hazard. My job is all about soulfully linking with others, and this is truly as much fun as I’ve ever had with my clothes on, but after doing this with many people for many hours, I often feel as if I’ve watched ten great movies back-to-back: dazed, frazzled, longing for silent solitude. I’m not up to gracious separation; I need quick-and-dirty ways to save my sanity, right now.
So I’ve listed some of my favorite disconnection strategies below, in the hope that you might find them useful. Please remember that this advice is not for the E.M. Forsters of the world but for those of us who are already connected up the wazoo.
Posted at 10:22 PM in Blogs, Healing, Inspiration, Links, Mentors, Recommended, Tips, Wisdom | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)